Mygica 17.6 Apk


  1. Mygica 17.6 Apk App
  2. Mygica 17.6 Apk Kodi
Mygica 17.6 Apk

Nov 29, 2017 New lease on life for myGica 582 with Kodi 17.6 Justin, you or the other admins are welcome to move this post to the OpenElec discussion, however I think many 582 users may benefit by it as many may not even look at that discussion group or unaware of this option/alternative. Unfortunately, 17.6 hasn’t been posted to the archive yet. So the most current version you can get other than 18 is 17.2 or 17.3, depending on the version of Android that you have. I hope will add 17.6 to the archive soon. If you would like to see 17.6 added to the old versions page, you may want to contact and let them know.

Android TVManualFirmware
ATV1900 Pro
ATV495 Pro
Kodi 17 DownloadAPK
Kodi 17 for MyGica ATV585 and ATV582
TV Tuner for PCManualDriver

How to Install Fusion Repository on Kodi 17.6 Krypton. June 26, 2020 By Johan Curtis No Comments 8 minutes. Fusion is one of the oldest sources from where you can download various addons and repositories on your Kodi device. It has been providing tons of Addons for streaming content and tools like Indigo ever since it got developed by

Mygica 17.6 Apk App

TV Tuner for PCSoftwareRemote Drive

Additional information

  • Kodi ver 17 is compatible with android 5.0 and newer.
  • Kodi ver 17.1 supports media players with a 64Bit architecture.
  • Kodi ver 17 or ver 17.1 does not run on the MyGica ATV585 or ATV582.
  • MyGica has made their own variation of Kodi ver 17 called MyGica Media Centre, it looks and works identical to Kodi ver 17, and is fully compatible with Android 4.4.2, 32Bit media players.
  • Make sure you have the latest firmware patch installed for your ATV585 or ATV582. (note: this will un-root the media player)

Mygica 17.6 Apk Kodi

Please note, if you need to make use of Kodi ver.17.1, you will need a 64Bit device running Android 5 – the MyGica ATV1900 Pro and ATV495 Pro support this.